The term reworking in the trucking industry pertains to the rebuilding, restacking or tightening of shifted, damaged freight or any unforeseen issue that would hinder the final delivery of the load. Other terms under this classification are cross-docking, transloading, ect. The rework business model also incorporates issues such as missed delivery appointments or any factor that would cause a load to ultimately be refused from its point of delivery. By utilizing a company that specializes in reworking you can drastically reduce your losses. These losses can also include future load disruption as when your trucks are delayed it will cause a residual effect to other loads that truck may already be dispatched to handle. A true rework company will identify the needs of that particular shipment and implement a quick and cost effective solution to minimizes the trucks down time and put everything back in motion.
Transloading, although it may fall under the scope of rework is mostly a shipping term used to identify the transfer of goods from one mode of transportation to another, when enroute to its final destination. A good example would be an ocean container from the port with a destination of a distance that would make it a more cost effective choice to move the freight from the container on to a road truck to complete its final delivery. The same would go for an export load, where the product would be brought to a local facility where the freight would be stripped from the road trailer and loaded in to the ocean container for export. Another popular transloading scenario would be a full load which needs to deliver to multiple locations in a particular region or area. Maybe liftgate service is needed or inside delivery, ect. In this case the transload would be transitioned to cross-docking to break the deliveries in to smaller shipments to the final destinations. With that said cross-docking can be seen as any function utilizing a warehouse/facility to receive freight and then either stored it for a later delivery date or reworked based on the assumptions above.
Although many companies offer a form of rework services, it would be in your best interest to locate one that specializes and more importantly understands and can implement the correct solutions for your particular needs. We invite you to contact Freight Rework when the need arises in the New Jersey, New York Metro area and you can rest assure your issues will be handle professionally, promptly and as cost effectively as possible. 1-833-LOAD-FIX